We take immense pride in being completely OFF TREND and bucking the norms like a rodeo bull on steroids!

The world has gone bonkers, with fast fashion becoming the new cheap thrill - it's like a party drug on steroids! LOL. 
So it's time for a serious talk about how we can do better...

As you all know, we are passionate advocates for slow, soulful, sustainable, and ethical fashion! And, as I've come to realise, I can be doing much better with my conversation about the role fashion plays in the damage to society values and our environment.

Going forward, I will be more mindful with my words. We will no longer use terms like "summer" or "winter collections," which suggest that our garments are only good for a season and promote the idea of throwing them once the season ends. This is WRONG! I apologise for getting caught up in this industry's misleading BS. The reason for seasonal collections is not about the garments themselves but about selling more shit, fast, plastic fashion!! #landfill

So, I want to acknowledge that my previous messaging didn't fully align with our values of capsule, slow, sustainable, and ethical fashion. I apologise for that. Moving forward, we will avoid this throwaway terminology that the fashion industry has adopted to sell more junk to you.

There’s nothing wrong with new things or feeling joy from fashion (heck, we all love it!), but we must reject our conditioning to be a throw-away society and a rodeo bull on drugs!!!

A capsule wardrobe is a carefully curated collection of essential and versatile clothing pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. The concept, popularised by designer Susie Faux in the 1970s, emphasises quality over quantity, and focuses on timeless, enduring style.

So, as I said, not on TREND but enduring!