The Whiteside family

The Whiteside family taking possession of their new home thanks to Coastal Caravans.
"Our biggest achievement to date and the one we are most proud of is getting involved to help the Whiteside family, Edward, Jasper, and Shamus along with Ruby their dog."
Tamika Bannister - Director

Tamika & Ruby ( I fell in love the moment I meet them)
We accidentally came across them after my father, Bert Bannister, recently went to a snake call out (he is a local snake re-locator) to a family living at Weetah, near Deloraine in Tasmania’s north; he drove up what he describes as a goat track 20mins into the bush to find a family of 3, father Edward and two beautiful boys Shamus 12 and Jasper 14 and their red dog Ruby, living in a tent and old caravan with no running water, power or basic amenities. Dad describes it as 3rd world living conditions but in Australia, the snakes come into the van attracted to the rats, the rats from the bush come looking for the food in the van.
The boys had taken to sleeping in tent as they are so terrified of the snakes. What we soon found out after a few visits the family they had existed like this for, four long harsh Tasmanian winters, they had no vehicle, so the boys were not able to attend school and before you think what sort of a father allows this? Edward is dying of lung cancer that has now spread, Edward is battling cancer, barely able to walk in the most horrendous conditions you could imagine.
What we found weighed heavily on us as a family, we started calling all the relevant government departments and local MP's all promising to help, what we found in the end sadly there was no help coming. So, I quickly dug deep and sprang into action, setting up a Go Fund Me page hoping even if I could raise a modest few thousand it may help a little and started doing what we could immediately for them.
It’s been a epic journey over the past few months, but I am proud to say one that has resulted in a community of people coming together to help and support a family in need, we have raised almost $40,000 more than ever thought possible!
The Whiteside family now have a fresh clean van to live in, with enough room to sleep them all comfortably, it has cooking facilities and now they are living close enough for the boys to start going to school again, its truly given them a second chance at life.

Above: Inside their new van
The donations are still coming in for clothes and bedding to turn the van into a warm safe home for a family. We must send out a huge thanks to all those that have contributed especially Coastal Caravans who helped make the raised money stretch as far as it could and for adding in over $1600 of extras for free and all those now contributing to the little extras like warm bedding and clothes, we simply couldn't have achieved any of this alone.

Our new motto is #onenicething can change the world!
I never felt such overwhelming joy like this before, I can honestly say you will never regret helping someone in need. What have you done to change the world today?
Much love Tamika and SQ Team XX
P.S if you would like to read the full story or donate here
#smallbusiness #supportslocal #thankyou